Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Indiana Jones right here on Brookshire Dr.!

We have had so much snow and great amounts of it in such a short period of time, that even a week after the last storm we still have ice all over our residential streets and a huge wall of it in front of our otherwise clear driveway (thanks to the snow-melt heating system!) When I go out of our driveway, I feel like I have to "gun-it" to clear the mound at the end of the driveway and then the fun begins. Even though I am driving "the beast" (the affectionate nickname of my trusty suburban) and only going at a snail's pace, the experience is very similar to the Indiana Jones ride in Disneyland! Jolts and jarrings, dips and huge ice holes make for an exciting ride. The section of rode in front of the Vincent's driveway (where we cross over to drive on the correct side of the rode) can be a white-knuckler too. After the last storm, there were at least two feet of piled up snow that we had to plow our way through. (I'm grateful that we haven't taken out the Vincent's mailbox so far!) Did I say January is a little boring, a little slow---I just need to run errands and as soon as I leave my garage I know my life for the next five minutes will be an adventure!

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