Thursday, April 2, 2009

Crock Pot Challenge!

This week I decided that I wanted to try and cook our whole week's worth of dinners in the crock pot! So far, so good---so yummy, yummy good! On Sunday, we had pot roast with my Mom's special gravy and baked potatoes. (The crock pot is a life saver on Fast Sunday when you don't get out of church until 4:00 p.m.) Monday we had a Creamy Italian Chicken with pasta and Tuesday was Orange Glazed pork roast. Both were tasty! Wednesday we had stew and cornbread and tonight was Oriental lemonade chicken with rice. Tomorrow will be pulled pork sandwiches using the left over pork from Tuesday. This crock pot (which has to be one of the first models made) is my absolute favorite (we have three) not only because it cooks so well, but because it was my Grandma Nana's. When she passed away, no one else wanted the crock pot and my aunt asked me if I would like it. I'm so grateful I said "Yes!" It has blessed my life in two special ways: with warm, delicious food at a time when I am usually tired and not excited to cook, and with warm, loving memories of my Grandma Parkinson and her funny, loving personality. I often think of her when I retrieve the crock pot out of my pantry! Love you, Grandma!


  1. Great post! I love the picture of the crock pot, you can tell has been well used and well loved!

  2. The dinners you fixed all sound delicious. You should post the recipes too.
