Halloween has taken on a different feel since we no longer have anyone that goes "Trick or Treating" at our house! (I NEED my grandchildren to move to Utah so I can enjoy the excitement that Halloween brings to little people!! Rob, James, and Jared please take note!!) We did, however, do our best to have fun! Janie and Colby came down from Logan and offered to make us "Navajo Tacos" which are scones with chili on the top! They were fantastic! And then, since lemon is one of Colby's favorite flavors, and since I had found an ice cream maker when I cleaned out my pantry, they made us homemade lemon ice cream. It took most of the night to freeze but was still delicious! Ryan and Becca came over, too, along with Janie's close friend, Aubrey Reeves and her date and they played "Settlers of Zarahemla". While Josh went to a costume party at his friends, we all watched the Will Smith movie, "I am Legend". We were wanting a creepy, scary movie and that definitely fit the bill!
Summer Days
8 years ago
I love the Josh's doctor outfit and pose! What a ham!