The newest member of the Timpview JV tennis team, just after winning his first match!!

This is the cool (or should I say HOT?) logo for the team's sweatshirt. Don't you just love the flaming tennis ball?

(I could only get a picture of him through the chain link fence!)
Sometimes the stars align and dreams really do come true. For the last several years, Josh has taken tennis lessons in hopes of being able to play on the Timpview tennis team. He tried out as a freshman and didn't make it. He tried out this year and made the first and second cuts but, sadly, not the last. The coach told him that he wanted him to try out again next year and that his sons, the assistant coaches, had wanted to keep him. Josh took all this well and when I asked if he wanted to continue taking lessons he said "Yes" and that he wanted to try again next year. Well, this week-end, there was a message left on our message machine from the Timpview tennis coach, Rob Sperry. He had seen Josh last week-end at Matt Jackson's farewell. Josh talked with him and didn't think much about it. But, the next Saturday, there was a message from Rob. He told Josh that he had made a mistake and wanted to invite Josh to join the tennis team!!! We were thrilled and shocked! We had never heard of anything like this happening! Well, today Josh played his first match and won!!! 8 to 6! Afterwards, we went out to dinner to celebrate and Ryan and Becca joined us. We are so excited for Josh! Lots of exciting times ahead!